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Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions

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Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions

What styles of leadership are demonstrated by Ms DePasse?

What leadership traits does Ms DePasse exhibit?

How has the leadership style(s) impacted corporate direction?

How may leadership style impact the organization in the future, given anticipated growth?

What is the connection between a leader's style and the situation both within and outside of the organization?

To what degree should a manager change leadership styles?

If a leader does change leadership style, how should s/he do it?

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Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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Suzanne de Passe at Motown Productions

What styles of leadership are demonstrated by Ms DePasse?
Ms DePasse demonstrates a participative style of leadership. She is democratic at Motown. All the time she is involving one or more of the employees in the decision making process. This was new at Motown and the current employees at Motown had difficulty in dealing with her style. Some mistook it as a sign of weakness as she was a black woman. She had worked her way up in the company and so she had part of the information required to make decisions. She worked her way up at Motown using her distinct participative style, while she was producing TV specials her participative style of leadership managed to get the best out of the crew and the cast.
This participative style of leadership was useful because her co-workers were knowledgeable about their work and were skillful. Each was an artist in his field.

What leadership traits does Ms DePasse exhibit?
Suzanne de Passe exhibited several leadership traits. She displayed sincerity, integrity and candor in her actions. She never cheated or deceived anyone. She inspirec confidence in the employees at Motown. She displayed mental endurance and physical stamina that set an example for her co workers at Motown. She also had a vision, she set goals and was forward looking. She was able to convey her ...

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