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Rainy Day Funds

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The planning and discipline of contingency or "rainy day funds" management. All government entities need to establish a policy for and build their own rainy day funds. These funds go by many names, but the point is that governments must have reserve funds at all times, and which must be guarded carefully and not quickly disbursed for frivolous purposes. Also, can you provide any reference for "rainy day funds"?

What is the best method to deposit funds to a reserve fund? End of year fallout, mandatory deposits, extra revenue....what is the ideal method, and why?

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The response addresses the queries posted in 503 Words, APA References

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The response addresses the queries posted in 503 Words, APA References

Rainy Day Funds

The Contingency Funds or 'rainy day funds' pave the way for the Government to cope with the future contingencies or unexpected events. Hence, it is true that all the Government entities must have to preserve their own rainy day funds account or reserve funds account in order to flourish its operations smoothly in an uncertain environment. 'Rainy day funds' are defined as the excess revenue that is kept in reserve to meet out the unexpected future conditions and 'budget deficit' (State and Local Tax Policy: What are rainy day funds and how do they work?).

The Government entities, those which establish the policy and maintain the 'rainy day funds' will easily grapple with the critical situation of economic downswing. It stimulates substantial financial emphasis for the government entities or states i.e. weaken tax and ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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