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Process Analysis and Methods for Evaluation

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Define process analysis. What steps could be used to analyze a process? What methods might best be used to evaluate and improve a given process?

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This solution helps define process analysis, describes the steps used to analyze a process and the methods that are best to evaluate and improve a given process.

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Problem: Define process analysis. What steps could be used to analyze a process? What methods might best be used to evaluate and improve a given process?

Process analysis, one of the seven primary modes of exposition, either gives directions about how to do something (directive) or provides information on how something happened (informative).

"Business Process Analysis

Process Steps

Name the process
-The name should clearly reflect what the process does.
-Establish the team
-Team members must have a stake in the process
-Best to have facilitator not directly involved with the process
-Recommend note taker

Define the terms
- Identify the business objective of the process
- ...

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