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Leadership of Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr, and Mahatma Gandhi

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1- Please Make comment and agree or No with ( Maria ) about her Executive Summary, the comments not lower than 5 lines.

2- Please Make 1 or 2 questions on this topic after end the comment . I give you Example of comments in the end my question. (Look The Example).

Executive Summary:
The purpose:
There are so many leaders in the world, some of them have made history and some of them we know at work, as our friends, or as family. A leader can be anyone as long as they possess power. And I decided to choose three well-known leaders that really stood out to me and have influenced me in a way: Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi.

The process:
You can have power and not be a leader. But you cannot be a leader without power. Not only that, a person needs to articulate charisma, expertise, a reward system, empowerment, and a relationship with people. Humility and determination are key components to being a successful leader. And these three individuals maintain these qualities. They do not just interact with society, they listen, as well. They have had hands on experience, they have stood up and fought for their beliefs. Though Martin Luther King Jr.'s life was cut short and Gandhi passed away, too, that does not mean their vision died with them. Their aspirations have outlived them and are continuously being fought for 'til this very day. And that is most certainly something to appreciate.

The benefits/findings:
All three leaders encourage others to follow through with their vision and do everything they can to reach their desired destination. Gandhi fought to stop violence and civil disobedience because he had experienced racial bigotry while riding a train and because of that it molded him into the person he was and creating the movements he believed in. Martin Luther King Jr. was also inspired by Gandhi's beliefs, which lead him to communicating his message to the people, which in turn resulted in people following his campaign. And that brings us to President Obama. He has listed both Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi as his inspiration and because of the influence both leaders have, they prompted President Obama into taking the actions he has and doing something about it. His confidence, knowledge, and integrity are the elements that gained the trust of Americans before he ever became president.

So be kind, be patient, please listen, have courage, and you too can become the leader you wish to be.

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Leadership of Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandi is examined.

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Hello, I provide the following to assist you in formulating your response.

Good afternoon Maria. I have read your post and find it to be very informative and interesting. I believe that after reading this, you are well on your way to creating a meaningful paper. I too am intrigued by these leaders.

I somewhat disagree with your statement that a leader must possess power. ...

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