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Influential factor in training, truth of training paradox

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1. What is the most influential factor, positive or negative, that affects training? How does this factor influence training? Please provide examples.

2. Is there any truth behind the training paradox? Explain why or why not and use examples for your rationale.

3. What do you think are the key components within a performance management plan?

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An influential factor in training, and the truth of training paradox is examined.

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1. What is the most influential factor, positive or negative, that affects training? How does this factor influence training? Please provide examples.

The most influential factor that affects training is engaging the audience into the training process. The audience especially starts with the top management, from whose commitment of the training program greatly affects how the rest of the people will react or respond to it. This factor especially influences training because if there is no engagement on the part of the participants for one reason or the other then both attention and commitment fails to be present within the set training environment. The training at any given point especially those which involve organizations need to ...

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