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Decide which of the following claims are true based on the following statement:
Using torture to extract information from prisoners is immoral.

a) states a value judgment not open to critical inspection,
b) states a value judgment that is open to critical inspection (moral judgments), or
c) is not a value judgment. If it is difficult to decide, try to identify the source of the problem.

Explain your answer. Provide at least 100 words in the solution.

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Solution Summary

The following posting helps with a business management problem. Your response is 149 words and changes the statement around to show you how it would differ if it was the "other kind" of statement, creating a contrast to help you learn what these terms mean.

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"Using torture to extract information from prisoners is immoral."

This statement is a value judgment open to critical inspection. The word "immoral" in the sentence is a clue that there is a moral judgment in the statement. But there are arguments that prisoners won't reveal ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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