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Comparative worth

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In Minnesota, for instance, firefighters in the city of St. Paul were ranked as having the comparable worth of the city's librarians. In Denver, nurses employed by the city say they should be paid as much as city tree-trimmers.

As one recent graduate student noted: Is a fireman more valuable than a librarian? I guess it depends if your house is burning down.

What might the implications of such a concept as "comparable worth" be for business in general?

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This solution helps explore the concept of comparative worth within the concept of business management. The solution is 218 words in length, and is supplemented by two references.

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Comparable worth of a business (also known as pay equity) in general is the reform effort that attempts to ensure that jobs are paid the same wage or salary rate based on comparable knowledge, skills, and abilities and not based on sex, race or any distinguishing differences or personalities (Comparable Worth, n.d.).

The implication this would have for business in general is ...

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