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Clark County Web Site Design

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Review Clark County: Requests for Proposals located at:

Consider the purpose and components of the sample RFP.

Use the information in the sample RFP to address the following:

Review the "Purpose" section of the RFP. In two to three sentences, describe the reason behind the Web development project. What does the county want to achieve?

What is the tone of the RFP? How might it differ from the tone in an RFP created by a nongovernmental agency? (Tone refers to a writer's attitude toward the subject matter and readers.)

List three other requirements that the county has included on its "wish list" for the site development. (Refer to Attachment A-Part II: Project Description section)

What are the RFP submitting requirements? How is the respondent's ability to meet these requirements important to the county's decision? (Refer to the "Schedule" section.)

Do you think the county's needs are clearly and concisely communicated in the specifications outlined in the RFP for respondents? Explain your reasoning.

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This answer provides you an excellent discussion on Clark County Web Site Design

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Review Clark County: Requests for Proposals located at:

Consider the purpose and components of the sample RFP.

Use the information in the sample RFP to address the following:

Review the "Purpose" section of the RFP. In two to three sentences, describe the reason behind the Web development project. What does the county want to achieve?
The reason behind the web development project is to expand the presence of departments that are active on the website. In addition, the web development projects will develop a quick and separate access to online job listings and information on sex offenders. Finally, the country wants the site to be made user friendly and secure.

What is the tone of the RFP? How might it differ from the tone in an RFP created by a nongovernmental agency? (Tone refers to a writer's attitude toward the subject matter and readers.)
The tone of RFP is distant and detached. The writer wants to maintain a position of remoteness from the subject matter. ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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