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Business for the Future Development

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According to Robert Reich, there are some on-going reasons that organizations resist change and development. What is the role of the insurgent change agent? Describe two ways how from your experience, leaders should support change.

A. The contemporary world is changing as rapidly as probably never before and the changes affect different spheres of political, social, and economic life. Naturally the changes that have occurred within the last three decades also significantly change insurgents movements that were particularly wide spread in the midst of the 20th century and actually continue to exist now. The role of insurgent change agent organizations resist change because of uncertainty and the possibility of failure to succeed.

B. In my experience, I believe the best way for leaders to support change is to have a clear and precise plan in-place for change in the organization. Another way is to make sure that you are communicating the change up and down the food chain. When employees are aware of what's going on, leaders will have support.


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Business for the Future
The responses should be at least 100 to 200 words and clearly state your reason for agreeing or disagreeing with the post in a professional manner.
According to Robert Reich, there are some on-going reasons that organizations resist change and development. What is the role of the insurgent change agent? Describe two ways how from your experience, leaders should support change.

A. The contemporary world is changing as rapidly as probably never before and the changes affect different spheres of political, social, and economic life. Naturally the changes that have occurred within the last three decades also significantly change insurgents movements that were particularly wide spread in the midst of the 20th ...

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