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Legal Environment

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In addition to our reading in the textbook about the legal environment, we have, no doubt, run across a variety of HRM-related legal issues in your daily organizational life. For example, the questions that can be asked in an interview, protections for certain classes of people, and the rights of a union are influenced by various laws and regulations.

One way that organizations try to inform employees of their rights, responsibilities, and requirements is through an employee handbook. Based on your understanding of the legal environment, you are required to create an outline of a handbook. In your handbook outline, address the following issues:

-Why do companies need employee handbooks?

-What information would you include in an employee handbook?

-What are the major policies that employees need to function effectively on a day-to-day basis?

-Identify major areas that the handbook needs to focus on for managers.

Cite any sources you use using the correct APA format on a separate page.

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses a variety of HRM-related legal issues in your daily organizational life. For example, the questions that can be asked in an interview, protections for certain classes of people, and the rights of a union are influenced by various laws and regulations.

One way that organizations try to inform employees of their rights, responsibilities, and requirements is through an employee handbook. Based on your understanding of the legal environment, you are required to create an outline of a handbook. In your handbook outline, address the following issues:

-Why do companies need employee handbooks?

-What information would you include in an employee handbook?

-What are the major policies that employees need to function effectively on a day-to-day basis?

-Identify major areas that the handbook needs to focus on for managers.

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Dear student:

I am the original author of the attached. This guide will give you a full understanding of the spectrum of employee handbooks, the laws that protect ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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