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Universal "reasonable accommodation" for a disability

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Does the duty of reasonable accommodation require the same level of accommodation from every employer with respect to a given disability? Explain.

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The term "reasonable accommodation" is used to stipulate that employers must adjust working conditions (such as hours, how a task is performed and environment) to an employee with a disability that is protected under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). This solution explains that every employer is not required to provide the same level of accommodation. There is a reference included for the ADA employment laws, which supports that what is a reasonable accommodation (in regards to cost and overall effectiveness) and how it is not "universal" to all employment situations. There are 140 words and a reference.

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With Federal employment laws, such as the American with Disabilities Act, universal application may not always be feasible. With the ADA, employers must provide "reasonable accommodation" to alter a disabled employee's job. But what is "reasonable" in one work environment may not be in another.

The ...

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