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Long-term contract accounting- Housing Construction Company

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Housing Construction Company (HCC) has agreed to build a housing project for the city of New York. On January 1st, 2006 the company and the city agreed on the following terms: the construction should take no more than three years, and HCC would be paid a total of $300 million for the project; the $300 million would be paid in three payments of $100 million at the end of year 2006, 2007, and 2008. HCC expects contractions costs to be $100 million in year 2006, $100 million in year 2007, and $20 million in year 2008.

a. If HCC uses the completed contract method, what revenues and expenses would HCC recognize in year 2006, 2007, and 2008?

b. If HCC uses the percentage of completion method, what revenues and expenses would HCC recognize in year 2006, 2007, and 2008?

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Solution Summary

The solution computes revenue and expenses to be recognized for Housing Construction Company(HCC) if completed contract method and percentage of completion method.

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