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Differences in Ethics Codes between Businesses and Non-profits

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How should a code of ethics differ when written for a business versus a non-profit organization? How should it differ when written for a service organization versus one that produces tangible products.

How should a code of ethics differ when written for a business versus a non-profit organization? How should it differ when written for a service organization versus one that produces tangible products? Using the example of a current or recent employer, evaluate and critique their code of ethics. If none exists.

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This solution provides a detailed discussion of the given business questions.

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How should a code of ethics differ when written for a business versus a non-profit organization?

Conventionally, a code of ethics should not really differ when written for a business versus a non-profit organization. However, due to the nature of business of non-profit organizations, their code of ethics should be in line with their governance and service to the public, unlike that of businesses whose primary goals is to generate profits and their ethics should basically be in conformation with industry and ...

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