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International & Domestic Marketing Comparison: Japan and the US

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Compare and contrast marketing in your selected country and in the United States. In your comparison, be sure to analyze the marketing environmental influences of each country including, but not limited to cultural, political, legal, and economic influences.

I chose Japan as my country.

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The solution gives 798 words with 1 reference to compare Japan and the USA in terms of marketing environments and influences.

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Japan's culture which can be termed as a collectivist culture displays strong ties to family and country. Groups precede over individual and self is defined in terms of others and behavior is ruled by group norms. For Collectivists, superiority of the group precedes over the individual. They sacrifice their personal goals to further the group interest (Lin, 1993; Belch, 1998). Japanese are considered to be more positive and receptive towards advertising (Crowe, 1997)

US culture is an Individualistic cultures displaying flexible ties to group and self interest governs the behavior of the individual. Personal goals proceed in a situation where conflict occurs between individual goals and group goals. (Belch, 1998).

Lecht (1987) proposed that, by examining the Japanese language, one gains a better understanding of their management styles. This proposal is a step in the right direction, but language is only one of the basic building blocks of culture. Bolwijn and Brinkman (1987), Alston (1983), and McAbee (1983) all warned against blanket adoption of Japanese business practices by Western companies because of fundamental cultural differences. Pierce (1986) also urged a deeper understanding of cultural variables to understand the Japanese approach to direct-mail advertising. But this study was limited to culture as it applies to consumer response to direct mail promotions.

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Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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