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1.The two methods of preparing the statement of cash flows differ in the preparation of which section?

a. Operating
b. Investing
c. Financing
d. Notes to the financial statement
e. None of the other answers

2.Laghenfeld Miller bought $30,000 worth of 8% semiannual bonds at 98 in the City of San Diego. How much did Laghenfeld pay for the bonds?

a. $30,000
b. $29,400
c. $1,200
d. None of the other answers

3.Please refer back to question 2.
How much bond interest will Mr. Miller receive every six months?

a. $1,200
b. $2,400
c. $1,176
d. $30,000
e. None of the other answers

4.Please refer back to question 2.
At maturity, how much will the bonds pay to Mr. Miller (excluding interest)?

a. $29,400
b. $30,000
c. $1,200
d. None of the other answers

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The solution explains various multiple choice questions relating to statement of cash flows, bond prices, etc

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1. a. Operating - the two methods differ in the operating ...

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