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HUman Biology

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The epidermis is thickest on the :
a. mouth
b. tongue
c. scalp
d. soles
e. elbow

Which of the following is not a function of the Integumentary System ?
a. movement
b. protection
c. temperature regulation
d. synthesis of vitamin D
e. eliminate waste

These skin glands are located only in the ear canal.
a. sudoriferous (sweat)
b. sebaceous (oil)
c. cerumenous (wax)
d. epidermal
e. keratnolytic

Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?
a. taking in nutrients
b. preventing the entry of microorganisms
c. retarding water loss
d. regulating body temperature

In which layer of the skin is adipose tissue most abundant?
a. epidermal
b. dermal
c. subcutaneous
d. transdermal

Hair follicles are located in which layer of the skin?
a. dermis
b. stratum basale of the epidermis
c. subcutaneous layer
d. connective tissue

What is the part of the hair below the surface of the skin ?
a. follicle
b. root
c. base
d. shaft

Which of the following fibers allows skin to be elastic?
a. smooth muscle fibers
b. skeletal muscle fibers
c. collagenous fibers
d. nerve fibers

What is the main factor in insulating the body?
a. the thickness of the epidermis
b. the presence of adipose tissue in the hypodermis
c. skin moisture
d. adequate dermal blood vessels

Hair and fingernails are derived from the _____ cells.
a. subcutaneous
b. dermal papillary
c. epidermal
d. keratin

That is an area of contact or near-contact between bones?
a. capsule
b. joint
c. gomphosis
d. ligament

What joint holds teeth in sockets and connect the flat skull bones of a fetus?
a. fontanels
b. sutures
c. synovial
d. synthrosis

What are three types of skeletons predominate in the animal world?
a. Hydrostatic, Exoskeleton, Endoskeleton
b. Hydrostatic, Myoskeleton, Endoskeleton
c. Hydrostatic, Exoskeleton, Retroskeleton
d. Blastoskeleton, Exoskeleton, Endoskeleton

How many bones make up the vertebrae?
a. 42
b. 26
c. 30
d. 21

What are fibrous, cartilaginous structures between the vertebrae?
a. Bursa
b. Intervertebral disks
c. Tendons
d. gomphosis

What part of the bone plays a major role in blood cell formation and fills spaces in some bones.
a. yellow marrow
b. spongy bone
c. compact bone
d. red marrow

What is joint inflammation commonly called?
a. bursitis
b. rheumatism
c. arthritis
d. dermatitis

These are long straps of dense connective tissue that bridge the gaps between bones.
a. tendons
b. ligaments
c. bursa
d. fasciae

These enclose and protect the brain and some sensory organs.
a. pelvic bones
b. pectoral bones
c. ribs
d. cranial bones

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Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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