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The appointment of Rehnquist as Chief Justice represented an attempt to

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10. The appointment of Rehnquist as Chief Justice represented an attempt to
A. reflect a more conservative ideology.
B. preserve the gains for minorities by the Warren Court.
C. to reflect the liberal ideology of Clinton.
D. prevent a swing to the right by the Court.

11. Which of the following conducts trials?
A. district courts
B. court of appeals
C. the Supreme Court
D. all of the above

12. The authority to hear and decide cases is called
A. nullification.
B. jurisprudence.
C. jurisdiction.
D. litigation.

13. Which of the following would likely not fall under the jurisdiction of a federal court?
A. a criminal trial
B. a maritime trial
C. a constitutional question
D. one of the litigants is the US government

14. Once appointed, judges serve
A. terms of 10 years, non-renewable.
B. terms of 6 years, although renewable.
C. for life, unless they commit "high crimes."
D. terms of 4 years, renewable.

15. Litigants who appeal to the Supreme Court normally file a petition for
A. a writ of certiorari.
B. standing to sue.
C. a writ of habeus corpus.
D. the right of appeal.

16. The Supreme Court will grant the writ of certiorari if
A. all of the judges agree.
B. if 6 of the judges agree.
C. if a majority of the judges agree.
D. if 4 judges agree.

17. The fact that the Constitution is short and generally worded means that
A. its provisions are comprehensive.
B. the courts must interpret it to apply it.
C. there is little room for judicial interpretation.
D. it is a document that is quickly dated.

18. Stare decisis refers to court decisions based on
A. the intentions of the Founders.
B. judicial notions of right and wrong.
C. past decisions.
D. the pressing need of litigants.

19. Conflict over ___________ have dominated the courts since the Great Depression.
A. the proper role of business
B. the balance of power between the states and federal government
C. the rights of business versus the rights of workers
D. civil liberties and rights

20. Which of the following rights are not granted by the Bill of Rights?
A. Freedom of speech
B. The right to a jury trial in civil cases
C. Protection against ex post facto laws
D. The right to a speedy trial

21. The first eight amendments to the Constitution
A. grant general rights.
B. exhaust the list of specific rights.
C. are listed in order of importance.
D. grant specific rights unlike the 9th and 10th Amendments.

22. Which is not guaranteed by the First Amendment?
A. freedom of speech
B. freedom to not be offended
C. freedom to be peaceably assemble
D. freedom of speech

23. That the press may disseminate information before being punished for publishing it is an example of the constitutional prohibition against
A. libel.
B. censorship.
C. obscenity.
D. prior restraint.

24. The Court decision that mandated that suspects must be advised of their rights was
A. Mapp v. Ohio.
B. Miranda v. Arizona.
C. Gideon v. Wainwright.
D. Roe v. Wade.

25. The Fifth Amendment prevents prosecutors from
A. implying that defendants are guilty because they will not testify.
B. repudiating the plea bargained agreements struck between defendants and judges.
C. curtailing defendants' rights to pure speech.
D. being victimized by libel.

26. The Sixth Amendment guarantees
A. the right to plea bargain.
B. separation between church and state.
C. freedom of speech.
D. the right to a jury trial.

27. The Eighth Amendment forbids cruel and unusual punishment but
A. it has rarely applied.
B. does not define it.
C. it is invalidated by the Fourteenth Amendment.
D. it conflicts with the Second Amendment.

28. In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court
A. established the exclusionary rule.
B. made the availability of contraception legal.
C. extended privacy rights to cover abortion.
D. a and b.

29. The Warren Court
A. expanded civil liberties more than any other Court in history.
B. provided a counterrevolution with regard to civil liberties.
C. limited some of the rights provided for by the Burger Court.
D. proved itself unresponsive to the people in civil liberties cases.

30. The language used in the Second Amendment
A. makes it clear that there should no establishment of religion.
B. provides an unfettered right to bear arms.
C. links the right to bear arms with the security of the state.
D. is based on biblical views of justice.

31. The Declaration of Independence
A. enshrined an ideal of equality before the law.
B. did not include women and non-white minorities in its notion of equality.
C. mirrored the class system of the British.
D. a and b.

32. The equality of rights for persons regardless of their race, sex, or ethnic background is called
A. civil liberties.
B. civil rights.
C. affirmative action.
D. judicial review.

33. The ___________ ended slavery
A. Emancipation Proclamation
B. Declaration of Independence
C. separate-but-equal doctrine
D. Dred Scott decision

34. The Thirteenth Amendment
A. prohibited slavery.
B. mandated equal due process.
C. gave all male citizens the right to vote.
D. gave all citizens the right to vote.

35. The ____________ gave black men the right to vote.
A. Thirteenth Amendment
B. Fourteenth Amendment
C. Fifteenth Amendment
D. Sixteenth Amendment

36. The Fourteenth Amendment
A. granted citizenship to blacks.
B. guaranteed the equal protection of the law.
C. offered the due process of law.
D. all of the above.

37. The Plessy case produced
A. bilingualism.
B. de facto segregation in the North.
C. the birth of the Ku Klux Klan.
D. separate-but-unequal schools.

38. The Supreme Court based its ruling in the Brown case on the
A. Bill of Rights.
B. Thirteenth Amendment.
C. Fourteenth Amendment.
D. Fifteenth Amendment.

39. In developing his techniques of non-violent resistance, Martin Luther King was influenced by
A. GWF Hegel.
B. Mahatma Gandhi.
C. Indira Gandhi.
D. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

40. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits
A. discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, or national origin.
B. discrimination in public accommodations based on race, color, religion, or national origin.
C. discrimination in the sale of housing based on race, color, religion, or national origin.
D. a and b.

41. The ________ Amendment gives women the right to vote.
A. Thirteenth
B. Eighteenth
C. Nineteenth
D. Twenty-first

42. In 1971, the Burger Court applied the Fourteenth Amendment's equal-protection clause to
A. racial minorities.
B. women.
C. children.
D. illegal aliens.

43. In the case Stanley v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that authorities can seize items found in a home if they are deemed obscene.

44. Slavery officially ended in all states with the Emancipation Proclamation.

45. The Sixth Amendment guarantees protection from self incrimination

46. In Cohen v. California, Cohen's arrest was due to:
A. His violation of Texas obscenity law
B. His violation of California obscenity law
C. His role in the riots after the Democratic National Convention
D. His protest of the Civil Rights Act.

47. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire was based on illegal search and seizure?

48. Engle v. Vital allowed for prayer in public schools as long as it was student led?

49. Which of the following is not protected under the Eighth Amendment?
A. Cruel and unusual punishment
B. Excessive Bail
C. Lifetime sentences for repeat offenders
D. None of the Above.

50. In California v. Greenwood the Supreme Court ruled that police can obtain evidence From trash left at the curb.

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