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    Government Since 1877

    Politics was very fragile in the post-Reconstruction era. Even though no notable legislation came out in those years, Americans paid a lot of attention to politics and national elections during the post-Reconstruction period than at any other time in history.¹  Each election had potential to disrupt the new peace and balance between the North and South. Voters were turning out in record numbers for each presidential election in the late nineteenth century. Voter turn out sometimes reached 80 percent or greater.¹

    Control of the House of Representatives was constantly changing hands between Democrats and Republicans after the Reconstruction era. There was also significant political infighting in the Republican party between Stalwart and Half-Breed factions.¹  This explains why Congress passed little significant legislation.

    1877 was an important year in American governmental history. The Compromise of 1877 was crucial for stability in America at the time. It was essentially created so that Southern Democrats would acknowledge the presidency of Hayes under the understanding that the Republicans would meet their demands.¹

    The following are the general, paraphrased terms of the Compromise¹:

    1. Removal of federal troops from former Confederate States
    2. Appointment of at least one Southern Democrat to Hayes’ cabinet
    3. Construction of another transcontinental railroad
    4. Legislation to help industrialize the South

    Since 1877, America has had 27 presidents. 16 of them have been Republicans and 11 have been Democrats.

    For specific questions about American politics, please refer to BrainMass’ section on Political Studies. This section has information on all aspects of North American governance that are specific to the time period. This includes Canada, Mexico and all of the other North American nations.



    1. America in the Gilded Age: From the Death of Lincoln to the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. New York: New York University Press, 1993

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John Mitchell was the Attorney General and later in 1972 was appointed as the Director of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). Gordon Liddy, the member of the Special Investigation group (SIG) presented an action plan to Mitchell known as the Operation Gemstone. They decided to fix listening devices at the office of the Democratic Party. Mitchell resigned from CREEP in 1972 as a result of the Watergate Scandal. During the Operation Gemstone, Gordon Liddy wanted to place listening devices of the Democratic campaign offices in order to tap the phone calls of the Chairman, Larry O'Brien. Liddy appointed James McCord and his team to do this. McCord and his team were able to place electronic devices in the telephones of Larry O'Brien. FBI director Patrick Gray testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding his appointment as the Director of FBI in place of Edgar Hoover. He admitted that he had discussed the investigation matters with John Dean. The nomination of Gray failed and it was clear that John Dean tried to hide the matter from the public. The Watergate scandal was followed by the senate investigations in 1973. In July, it was revealed to the Senate that Nixon had placed advanced electronic systems to bug the conversations of the oval office. When the Senate committee and Special Prosecutor requested Nixon to hand over the tapes, it was objected on the basis of executive privileges. As the case become strong, pressure began to mount on the President. Nixon decided to fire the Special Public Persecutor Archibald Cox. Finally, Nixon fired Cox but found himself under mounding pressure to appoint a new Public Prosecutor. Nixon tried to delay the handing over the tapes by saying many excuses. One excuse was that the key tape had a gap of 18 ½ minutes. When Nixon continued to refuse to hand over the original tapes to the prosecutors, the new Public Prosecutor had no other way other than to declare Nixon as obstructing the justice in the Watergate scandal. The Supreme Court turned down the arguments of the President and instructed him to immediately hand over the tapes. When Nixon again refused to do so, the House of Representatives voted to impeach the President. Nixon realized that there was no other way but to resign. On August 8, 1974 Nixon submitted his resignation from the Presidency. He became the first American President to resign while in office. Gerald Ford, the Vice President became the next President of United States. HR Haldman was the Chief of Staff of the Presidential campaign. When the Watergate scandal became public, Haldaman tried his best to cover it up. President demanded him to submit his resignation. Later he was pardoned by the President but he was convicted for the cover up of the Watergate scandal. John Ehrlichman was the Presidential Assistant for domestic affairs. He approved the plans of the "Plumbers" to discredit the political enemies of Nixon. During the investigation, Ehrilchman tried to cover up the matters, but Nixon forced him to resign. Later he was convicted for cover up, obstruction of justice and perjury. Richard Gordon Kleindienst was at first appointed as the Assistant Attorney general and later promoted to the post of Attorney General under Nixon administration. When burglars were arrested, he was asked by Gordon Liddy to release the burglars. Kleindienst refused to do so. Liddy also told him that the origin of the operation was white house but he failed to report his confession. Eventhough, Kleindienst resigned his post, he was convicted of perjury by the court. Edward Howard Hunt was working with the CIA. After his retirement, he was appointed as a staff in the white house. He became a member of the Special Investigations Group (SIG), otherwise known as Plumbers. During the 1971, the burglary was planned and executed by Hunt and Gordon Liddy. Later Howard Hunt accepted his guilt and he was sentenced to 33 months in prison. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were journalists who investigated the Watergate scandal with the help of government source known as "Deep Throat". Deep throat was Mark Felt, the mysterious FBI source who helped Washington Post to uncover the abuses of President Nixon. President Nixon took the right decision to resign following the investigations. The long term effects of these types of break-ins are that people will loose belief in the political parties and their agendas. It also reveals the necessarily to put everyone under the purview of law regardless of his position.

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