The two key features are that the user can select,through a radio button, whether to use manual entry of the mortgage amount, term and interest rate or using a menu for the term and interest - entering only the amount manually. Checking of either radiobutton hides/shows the chosen input controls. This is a good approach because if both input controls remain visible the user can get confused and entry becomes a problem. The runnable executable is in the sub-directory MortGageCalcTwoWayInput\MortGageCalcTwoWayInput\bin\Debug The project file to load in your ide is "MortGageCalcTwoWayInput.vbproj" in the MortGageCalcTwoWayInput\MortGageCalcTwoWayInput sub-directory The event code is in the attached file "MortGageCalcTwoWayInput_Event_Code.txt"