import java.util.Scanner start the main method create a String variable to hold the value of the employee's name create a double variable to hold the value of the hourly pay rate create a double variable to hold the value of the number of hours worked create a double variable to hold the result of the weekly pay calculation create an instance of the Scanner and give it a name using the System.out.print method, display a statement asking the user to enter the employee's name capture the name from the screen using the System.out.print method, display a statement asking the user to enter the hourly pay rate capture the hourly pay rate from the screen using the System.out.print method, display a statement asking the user to enter the number of hours worked capture the hours worked from the screen calculate the weekly pay by multiplying the hourly pay rate times the number of hours worked using the System.out.printf method and format specifiers, display the employee's name and weekly pay