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Regression Equation Questions

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The National Football League rates prospects by position on a scale that ranges from 5 to 9. The ratings are interpreted as follows: 8-9 should start the first year; 7.0-7.9 should start; 6.0-6.9 will make the team as backup; and 5.0-5.9 can make the club and contribute. The following table shows the position, weight, time in seconds to run 40 yards, and ratings for 25 NFL prospects (USA Today, April 14, 2000).

a. Develop a dummy variable that will account for the player's position.

b. Develop an estimated regression equation to show how rating is related to position, weight, and time to run 40 yards.

C. At the .05 level of significance, test whether the estimated regression equation developed in part (b) indicates a significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable.

D. Is position a significant factor in the player's rating? Use = .05

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The National Football League rates prospects by position on a scale that ranges from 5 to 9. The ratings are interpreted as follows: 8-9 should start the first year; 7.0-7.9 should start; 6.0-6.9 will make the team as backup; and 5.0-5.9 can make the club and contribute. The following table shows the position, weight, time in seconds to run 40 yards, and ratings for 25 NFL prospects (USA Today, April 14, 2000).
A. Develop a dummy variable that will account for the player's position.
B. Develop an estimated regression equation to show how rating is related to position, weight, and time to ...

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