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Chi-Square, Regression, Regression Equation & Relation

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In preparation for my final in two weeks, I have this set of study problems. In order to ensure I am working these correctly, I have created problems based of study problems and wish to compare work. Please complete the problems, show solutions in excel if applicable and explain. I really need to understand the concept as the test may interchange concepts. Thanks for everyone's help this semester!!
5 Problems:
Run a regression of profits against revenues and number of employees for the airline industry using the data in the following table. Interpret all your findings...
Regress Y against X1, X2 and X3 with the following sample data...
An article in Psychology and Marketing describes four variables that have been found to impact the effectiveness of commercials for high-performance automobiles: sincerity, excitement, ruggedness, and sophistication. Suppose that the following data are available on commercials effectiveness and these variables, all on appropriate scales...
Two telecommunications systems are to be compared. A random sample of 14 users of one system independently rate the system on a scale of 0 to 100. An independent random sample of 12 users of the other system rate their system on the same scale. The data are as follows...
In a chi-square analysis, the expected count in one of the cells is 2.1. Can you conduct the analysis? If not, what can be done...

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