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Statistics Testing

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Randomly selected statistics students were given five seconds to estimate the value of a product of numbers with a summary of the results of both groups given below. Does the order of the numbers appear to have an effect on the variances? Use a 0.05 significance level to test the difference between variances of the two samples. Use the traditional method to perform the test.

Order 1: Estimates from 40 Students Given: 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8
n = 28 x-bar = 28,344.9 s = 5,667.9

Order 2: Estimates from 42 Students Given: 8 X 7 X 6 X 5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1
n = 25 x-bar = 36,001.0 s = 7,679.4

For the problem please only answer the following:

1. Identify teh claim
2. Criticcal Value(s)
3. Test Value
4. Decision
5. Write a concluding statement about the claim

The American Association of University Professors conducts salary studies of college professors and publishes its finding in the AAUP Annual Report. College professors are divided into two populations: faculty in public institutions and faculty in private institutions. The summary statistics for the starting salaries of the two populations are given below. Use the traditional method to test for a difference in the means of the two groups at the 0.02 level of significance. Find the 98% confidence interval for the difference between the two means and interpret the result.

Insitution mean sd n
Sample 1: Public $33,890 $1,820 37
Sample 2: Private $32,610 $1,730 35

For the problem please only answer the following:

1. Hypothesis and identify the claim
2. Critical Value(s)
3. Test Value
4. Decision
5. Write a concluding statement about the cliam
FInd the 98% confidence interval of teh differnce of the two means and interpret those results

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