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Relative Frequency Distribution of Coke

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Construct a relative frequency distribution for the weights of regular Coke by starting the first class at 0.7900 lb. and use a class width of 0.0050 lb.

What I need is to understand the process to solve this problem.

Weights are in pounds and volumes are in ounces.

0.8192 12.3
0.8150 12.1
0.8163 12.2
0.8211 12.3
0.8181 12.2
0.8247 12.3
0.8062 12.0
0.8128 12.1
0.8172 12.2
0.8110 12.1
0.8251 12.3
0.8264 12.3
0.7901 11.8
0.8244 12.3
0.8073 12.1
0.8079 12.1
0.8044 12.0
0.8170 12.2
0.8161 12.2
0.8194 12.2
0.8189 12.2
0.8194 12.2
0.8176 12.2
0.8284 12.4
0.8165 12.2
0.8143 12.2
0.8229 12.3
0.8150 12.2
0.8152 12.2
0.8244 12.3
0.8207 12.2
0.8152 12.2
0.8126 12.1
0.8295 12.4
0.8161 12.2
0.8192 12.2

Thanks for your help.

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Solution Summary

Relative frequency distribution for the weights of Coke bottles is given in an attached Word document.

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