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ANOVA and dependent variables

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The four conditions are rock, heavy metal, country, and classical music. The dependent variable is the height of each plan after 2 weeks. The data from this experiement were examined using an ANOVA and the results are summarized in the following table.

Source SS df MS
Between Treatment 72 ___ ____ F = ___
Within teatments ___ ___ 3
Total ___ ___

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Solution Summary

This solution of 319 words contains explanations and calculations for calculating the F-statistic and statistical significance of an ANOVA.

Solution Preview

For a science fair project, a sample of 40 newly sprouted bean plants was obtained. These plants are randomly assigned to four treatments, with n = 10 in each group.
The four conditions are rock, heavy metal, country, and classical music. The dependent variable is the height of each plan after 2 weeks. The data from this experiment were examined using an ANOVA and the results are summarized in the following table.

The table as provided is shown below


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