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Workplace Changes and Implications for Employees

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1.) How has the workplace changed over the last 10 years?

2.) Assuming that things have changed over the last 10 years; what are the effects of change on the lives of employees?

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Solution Summary

Based on the survey results, this solution explores the reasons and trends explaining why the workplace might have changed over the last 10 years, including the effects of change on the lives of employees?

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Interesting topic! The workplace has changed over the past ten years and these trends are predicted to continue for the next decade as well. Let's take a closer look.


1. How has the workplace changed over the last 10 years?

Based on your survey information below: First, the sample size is very small, which challenges external validity of the survey (e.g. Is it representative of the overall population of workers? -probably not, since it is only N=10)

1. Total participants: 4 Males and 6 Females
2. Age - Group1: 24 - 34 {5} Group 2: 35 - 44 {3} Group 3: 45 - 54 {2}

(There was no person in the age range of 18 - 24 or 55 and older.)

3. Less than 5: {4} 5 - 10: {2} 10 - 15: {3} More than 15 year: {1}
4. High School: {4} Associates: {3} Bachelors: {3} Masters: {0}
5. More than 15 years old: {10}
6. More than 300: {10}

However, two trends match the reported changes in the present workplace over the last decade including

a. People change jobs/careers more often and are at a job less time than in the past. Since more people were at there job less than 5 years (4) than more than any other group (2, 3, 1), this could suggest one of the current workplace trends, mainly that workers are changing job positions and/or careers more often and often within 5 years as opposed to the past, where workers often remained at there job position longer, and sometimes until retirement.

b. On average, the workforce is aging, which is reflected in #6 above: all 10 participants were older than 30. However, with a small sample size, this must be interpreted with caution.

For # 7- #22 of your survey, you have only provided the responses, so I do not know what you were measuring in these questions. However, the next question is assuming things have changed, so let' go on to the next question.

2. Assuming that things have changed over the last 10 years; what are the effects of change on the lives of employees?
The following changes impact both the employer and the employees.

A. Increasingly Diverse

The workplace is more diverse, and this is a global trend. Within the broad Hispanic or Asian categories, the foreign-born resettling in the U.S. are quite diverse. Within the 35 million counted as Hispanic or Latino (13% of the US population), more than half are Mexican; the remainders are ...

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