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The differentiation between types of study.

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Again this so confusing to me. Hope you can help me to understand. Thanks.

Differentiate between field studies, quasi-expermental, and randomized experiments in human services research. Describe each research method and explain how it contsibates to the understanding of human services.

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How to differentiate between quasi-experimental and randomized experiments in human services research studies. Discusses each method and how it helps to understand the area of human services.

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The differences start out with being able to understand each method on it's own.

1. Field Studies:

Field studies are those most often used in the field of social sciences (education, human development, etc.). Outcomes are observed in natural settings rather than a laboratory setting. A field experiment applies the scientific method, but in a natural setting. It allows the scientist to observe the interventions within real world contexts. Clinical trials of pharmaceuticals is an example of a field study. There are however draw backs to filed studies. These mainly consist of :

* Fairness of randomization (e.g. in 'negative income tax' experiments communities may lobby for their community to get a cash transfer so the assignment is not purely random)
* Contamination of the randomization
* General equilibrium and "scaling-up"
* Difficulty of replicability (field experiments often require special access or permission, or technical detail-- e.g., the instructions for precisely how to replicate a field experiment are rarely if ever available in economics)
* Limits on ability to obtain informed consent of participants

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