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Interpreting Data - Depression

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Based on the information in Table 1 (attached):

1. Which group demonstrated the most gain (decrease in levels of depression) and which group demonstrated the least gain between the pretest and posttest periods?

2. Which group responded most consistently and least consistently?

3. As a counselor, would you recommend exercise for individuals with mild to moderate depression? If so, which type of exercise would you recommend, and why? If not, explain your rationale.

4. Based on completing assessment, briefly describe at least one strength and one limitation of your understanding and interpretation of the principles of assessment.


Article: Balkin, R. S., Tietjen-Smith, T., Caldwell, C., & Shen, Y. (2007). The utilization of exercise to decrease depressive symptoms in young adult women. Adultspan: Theory, Research, & Practice, 6(1), 30-35.

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Solution Summary

Interpreting data depressions are examined. Which groups responded most consistently and least consistently is determined.

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(Note - M would usually refer to mean and SD, standard deviation)

1. Group with most gain and least gain for pretest and post-test periods

The BDI is a scale that rates/measures severity of depression with the lowest number indicating minimal depressive status and the highest number indicating higher depression levels, positions that are most alarming. In Table 1 in the pretest, Group Aerobic scored 7.59 under M and 6.82 under SD indicating the decreased levels of depression (most gain). At a post-test level, the group which had the most gain was still the Aerobic group, scoring 5.39 at M and 5.72 at SD. Both Anaerobic and Control group though showed gains at post-test.

2. Consistent and least Consistent response

The BDI table ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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