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Perceiving the Social World

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What are the steps that one takes to perceive the social world? Which of these steps is the most crucial? Why?

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This response discusses the steps that one takes to perceive the social world, as well as which of these steps is the most crucial, and why, in 469 words. References are provided.

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Let's task e a closer look. The following information is drawn from one source (http://cf.linnbenton.edu/artcom/performing_arts/moores/upload/BWLookingOutLookingInchap3Outline.pdf).


1. What are the steps that one takes to perceive the social world? Which of these steps is the most crucial? Why?

The four steps in the perceptual process include:

1. Selection:

We select what attracts our attention? For example; Stimuli that are intense attract us. You are more likely to remember items that stand out i.e. tall or short people; items that excite your senses; unchanging people or things become less noticeable over time; if you're running late, you'll notice all the clocks around you.

2. Organization:

After selecting information from the environment we must organize it in some meaningful way. What ...

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