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Ethical Communication

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Scenario : You have told your close friend, Taylor, that you are having money troubles, and you asked Taylor to keep this information confidential. A few days later, your friend Marcia sees you in the supermarket and says, "So, I hear from Taylor that you have built up a lot of credit card debt that you can't pay off."

Analyze for academic integrity and ethical communication. Identify the violations of ethical communication and academic integrity you see. Please support your statements with at least two examples.

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Analyze for academic integrity and ethical communication. References are also infused to validate the findings.

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Analyze for academic integrity and ethical communication. Identify the violations of ethical communication and academic integrity you see. Please support your statements with at least two examples.

Academic integrity means "learning and studying with honesty, responsibility, truth, no cheating" (www.studyskills.soton.ac.uk). Another definition explains it this way: "Academic integrity is a commitment, even in the face of adversity, that is based on five fundamental values including honesty, trust, fairness, respect and a responsibility for your actions" (The Center for Academic Integrity 1999, ...

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