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The Mind-brain Relationship

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The strong dualism position of Descartes suggests that the mind is fully separate from the brain, and that, therefore, there may be no detectable manifestation of representations in the brain. What some note as manifestations are called traces, and their existence has been argued over time. Brain scans suggest that nothing we remember can be physically pinpointed in the brain. What is the best way in which I can make a comparison between differng conceptualizations of the mind and how it is studies? Also, Are there ways in which the influence of internal and environmental conditions affects memory? How can I determine the necessity for a one-to-one correspondence between a specific representation in the mind and a physico-chemical condition in some specific neurons/synapses in the associated brain and analyze fundamental differences between representations from: (a) Visual stimuli vs. those from speech stimuli; (b) Experienced stimuli (instantiated; things that happened externally, the last pizza you ate) vs. imagined stimuli (uninstantiated; anticipating-imagining something for dinner that you've never had before)?

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This solution discusses different concept of the min and how it is studied.

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(1) What is the best way in which I can make a comparison between differing conceptualizations of the mind and how it is studied?

Dualism and Monism have been represented a dichotomy that provide different answer to critical a critical question, and that question is, "Can the consciousness experience things apart from the brain"? Dualism affirms the existence of independent moral and physical worlds and "is focused on the conscious afterlife, and phenomena related to the supernatural, paranormal and other world-beliefs. Monalism holds that there is no independent conscious mind apart from brain function (Sperry, 1980). A traditional working hypothesis in neuroscience is that there is a conceivable account of the interaction of the mind and brain. Based on dualism a revised view of consciousness is associated with the recognition of mental phenomenon that is explained by science. However, as Sperry explains, the mentalist trend within science refers to mental-related concepts and supernatural phenomena.

Based on Sperry's (1980), analysis, the best way to study concepts of the mind-brain dichotomy is to accept the classical definition of monism and dualism, but within a mind-body theory in which monalism includes subjective mental properties as casual realities. For example, the concept of consciousness has been presented from the outset as a view that uses common sense within the scientific view. The study of the distinction between the mentalist's and materialist' paradigm is based on the perspective of behaviorism in psychology. For instance, the psychological content of the mind is recognized in language philosophy and science.

(2) Are there ways in which the influence of internal and environmental conditions affects memory?

Memory involves the ability of individuals to encode and later retrieve information. Encoding refers to the process by which information is stored in memory, and retrieval is that process by which information is recovered from ...

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