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Ethical Dilemmas in the Army

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I need a report with an outline that details the following:
- women in combat,
- same sex relationships,
- How past or present affiliations with others affect your career,
- and how these dilemmas affect the military as a whole.

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1761-word paper with references shows a perspective on women in combat, same sex relationships, how past or present affiliations with others affect your career in the army, and how these dilemmas affect the military as a whole.

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Women in combat, same sex relationships, how past or present affiliations with others affect your career, and how these dilemmas affect the military as a whole raise some very serious questions, both for the individuals, and the society as well as the military as a defense organization. As such all of the pertinent issues need very critical thinking and an exhaustive rational understanding, because these aspects of solders and officers' lives do have a bearing on their career duties.

Each of these areas can have far-reaching consequences on the successfulness of an individual in uniform, in their role of armed forces. Below, each one of these areas is discussed in detail, with reasons and thoughts that go into an objective evaluation of each of these aspects and how it has an impact on armed forces career, and organizationally for the armed force itself.

Women in combat:
There are many factors that go against women in wars. First of all, the war itself, for men and women both, has to be a justifiable. There are conditions for wars that should be clearly met, before one country's armed forces should be invoked for defending the borders of a nation.
Typically, women are physically built by nature such that the hardships endured in wars are, if not impossible, definitely, far more impactful for women. For instance, being kidnapped, turned into a war prisoner, is another threat that women face when they go for wars. Women may be in service. But it is their nature to be kind and compassionate. Ideally, that same kindness and compassion is there in men in service, as well. But, when people in services are brainwashed to merely and blindly kill by all means necessary, or, are in fact, encouraged to take pride in the most brutal or heinous of killing, destruction and torturing of other lives, human beings of any military force who have any sense of remorse in their hearts and conscience, they will eventually begin to feel the burden of what they engaged in, no matter what justification there might be to make them feel less guilty about what they do or did.
Sexual trauma alone, can be devastating for women to move on in their lives, as individuals. In a combatting role, they pent up all their anger and sadness for months on end, and then all of a sudden they undergo a nervous breakdown. They blame themselves for letting something happen to them, they feel numb, sad, depressed, angry, and helpless - all at once. That is not a good mix of feelings and emotions. When they cannot handle their guilt on their own, either from the sexual trauma or the guilt of participating in destruction of war, women of the military, just like military men, try to make use of alcohol and drugs to numb themselves. They try to hide the sorrow, and they feel less and less capable ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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