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two ways to use social cognition to promote social change

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A brief explanation of two ways to use social cognition to promote social change. Then, explain how a person might incorporate social cognition into their future practice or research. Finally, explain how they might use an element of social cognition in daily interactions with others.Need examples and scholarly reference.

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Your tutorial is 573 words and two references (one in peer review research journal). Several examples of how social cognition might create change, influence a research project and impact daily interaction are included.

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Social cognition is the science of understanding how we understand or make sense of ourselves and others. Social cognition relies heavily on naïve and cognitive psychology. There are many questions that social cognition might inform. For instance, the science of first impressions. First impression influence many people's decision to continue to interact with others. A bad first impression may close down any future interaction. A good first impression is likely to keep the communication open long enough to learn more about each other and find common ground.

One way social cognition can help social change is by giving social change agents greater skill in keeping the conversation going. That is, social cognition can help find those variables that keep the conversation open long enough (by giving a good first impression) to establish mutual caring about a topic. For instance, a nonprofit might use the understanding of first impressions when pitching for contributions, and vary the clothing, language and style for particular audiences. By understanding how to leave a good first impression, they increase the odds that the potential contributor will be open to a second meeting, thereby increasing the odds of funding for their nonprofit mission.

A second way social cognition can make a change is by understanding how others might be mobilized to participate in a cause. Many worthwhile causes plan events to raise ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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