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Describe the process an officer would follow when communicating with another officer, the department, or the dispatch center before or after an incident. Address the following:

Identify the technological tools that might be used in the communication process.

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This paper addresses modern day communication in today's technologically enhanced police forces.

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On any routine day, operators make decisions as to what the police actions will be. Their decisions repeatedly make rapid decisions that address what could be life/death situations for citizens. Courteous and prompt responses "can result in higher citizen esteem, increased cooperation and. . . "improved crime control" (Antunes & Scott). Some of the calls, however, may be totally unrelated to policing, but in emergency situations they must gain and record information to make a proper decision, and they may be dealing with "emotionally strained" persons who are not clear and concise, giving information that may be "sketchy" or "ambiguous" (id). While being monitored by a supervisor, they must record the information they receive and relay it to a dispatcher who then determines when to send which units. The category into which the operator places each incident will determine the police activity and set the department's agenda. Pepinsky (1976) found that "to a remarkable extent, the patrolman's decisions as to whether report offenses were determined by the terms of the calls they had received form the dispatcher." His observations were that officers are not considered to have done their jobs if they do not "meet the expectations" ...

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