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Corpus Callosum

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The corpus callosum is a bundle of white matter that in the normal brain serves as the major communication between the cerebral hemispheres and is involved in interhemispheric cortical processing.

Looking at the anatomy of the brain, in those cases where the corpus callosum is severed, what are some of the behavioral consequences? Are there differences in the corpus callosum of men and women? If so, how do these differences contribute to behavioral differences?

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This solution helps go through some properties and functions of the corpus callosum in the brain.

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Cerebral hemispheres are connected by a large band of fibers called the corpus callosum and several small connections called commissures. The corpus callosum is a bundle of white matter that in the normal brain serves as the major communication between the cerebral hemispheres and is involved in interhemispheric cortical processing. Immediately following a corpus callosotomy (severing), patients may experience acute symptoms and signs from the lack of communication between the two hemispheres. For example, patients may suffer from ...

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