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mobility of the world's peoples

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a. Describe the impact that these issues will have on society.
b. Explain how these issues will affect the interaction among culturally diverse groups.

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Cultural merging's effects are demonstrated using research.

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In as much as the mobility of the world's peoples has become a common occurrence, cultures are being put together with other cultures that are very much different. The areas of life that were once governed by the agents of socialization that are culturally specific such as schools, family, and churches are now seen competing for the actual socialization of those that are moving to different countries to pursue financial betterment. Those people from what are considered poor countries are migrating to America as well as other countries viewed as a means by which to better families and individuals (Schaefer, 2007). It is now important for social psychologists to study the effect of the crossover of the cultures in order to understand methods of alleviating the "normal cognitive process" (Weiten, 2007, pg 457) of stereotyping ...

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