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Fallacies Construct

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Part A
Considering the fallacies construct, give (4) four different arguments that display distinct fallacies. Give an explanation of why each makes a mistake in drawing the conclusion it does.

Part B

One rich source of fallacies is the media: television, radio, magazines, and the Internet (including, of course, commercials.) Identify three (3) distinct fallacies you see committed in the media.

Answer the following for each of the three fallacies you identified.
1. Do you think it is more likely that you will not be fooled by these fallacies having studied logic?
2. What do you think those presenting these arguments assume about the logical skills of their viewers?
3. Is this a good or bad assumption for them to make?

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Solution Summary

The solution considers the fallacies construct and gives arguments that display distinct fallacies.

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Part A:
Here are four quick examples of common fallacies:

1. The Argument to Logic: This means that someone rejects a position because that position has used, in the course of its defense, invalid logic. Example: Someone tries to argue for God's existence because most civilizations have believed in God in the past. This is fallacious (since older civilizations believing in God does not prove God's existence), yet, of course, it does not prove that God does not exist.

2. The Appeal to Numbers: This is a common one. Abortion should be legal because a majority of Americans believe that it should remain legal. This comes up in nearly every abortion debate I've ever seen.

3. The Sweeping Generalization: Again, another common one. It is a fallacy of induction. I've met 2 pit bulls - they were both well trained and friendly. Hence, I conclude that pit bulls are friendly and harmless dogs. I just don't have enough evidence to make such a ...

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