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Effects of Temperament on Development

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How does temperament affect cognitive and social development? How would you describe temperament as a child? Is your adult personality similar to the temperament displayed in childhood?

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Temperament is a set of in-born traits that organize the child's approach to the world. The solution discusses how does temperament affect cognitive and social development.

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"Temperament is a set of in-born traits that organize the child's approach to the world. They are instrumental in the development of the child's distinct personality. These traits also determine how the child goes about learning about the world around him" (Temperament and your Child's Personality, 2005). This basically tells us that temperament shapes our perception of the world around us, which in turn becomes our personality. It affects the ways in which we interact with others, how we think of them and the types of individuals we are most likely to be attracted ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Brooklyn College
  • MBA/HCM, Phoenix University
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