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Contributors to the field of neurology

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For this discussion I need to review various individuals who made significant contributions to the field of neurology. Select one of the individuals from the grid below. Research the individual's contributions to the field of neurology. Then create a post exploring the individual's biography and contributions to the field.

Influential Neurologists
William McEwen (1848-1924)
Victor Horsley (1857-1916)
Harvey Cushing (1869-1939)
Egas Moniz (1874-1955)
Clovis Vincent (1879-1947)
Harold Hoffman (1932 - 2004)
Ben Carson (1951- )

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Solution Summary

This solution explores various individuals whom made significant contributions to the field of neurology. One of the individuals from a grid is researched in depth, and a post exploring biography and contributions to the field are discussed.

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For this discussion, I need to review various individuals who made significant contributions to the field of neurology. Select one of the individuals from the grid below. Research the individual's contributions to the field of neurology. Then create a post exploring the individual's biography and contributions to the field.

1) First begin by reviewing bios of the Influential Neurologists below. I have researched their history, providing a brief, along with a link to review more information about them.

Also see: A History of Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco 1912-1995
Link: http://neurosurgery.ucsf.edu/index.php/about_us_history.html

2) Then, for choosing one to write about, it will be easier for you to pick someone that interests you most. You may find curiosity about one of the neurologists; thus your paper will flow easier from your rooted interest. One of my favorite neurologists, for example, is Dr. Ramachandaran of UCSD: http://cbc.ucsd.edu/ramabio.html

You also may need to reference the exact number of pages (or a number of words) that your instructor requires; and also be sure to follow presentation guidelines, such as APA or MLA styles. Here are links to both:
APA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
MLA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/

3) If possible, or after ...

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