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Client Culture And Substance Use/Abuse

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Discuss how client culture may influence client perceptions of substance use and abuse. Then explain how one might use this information to determine if a client meets the criteria for a substance abuse disorder.

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Client cultures and substance use and abuses are examined. How cultures may influence client perceptions of substance use and abuse are examined.

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In dealing with Hispanics for example, Quintero (2007) found several cultural markers that have an impact on substance abuse diagnosis. First, that disorders are handled in the family, coordinate with a great distrust of outside help. Second, gender is important, with males seen as self reliant and stronger than females. Third, poverty leads to a lack of future orientation that can get passed on through generations. For example, in their interviews, they found evidence that Hispanic families get children to drink at a very early age. They, quite simply, have radically different views on substance abuse risk factors. There is also a sense of fatalism, which leads to a radical reduction in the stigma associated with substance abuse. Poverty and marginalization are seen as permanent features that, under most circumstances cannot be changed. What they recommend in dealing with Hispanics and substance abuse is, first, that the insular culture be taken seriously, and that seeking out help will come late, and reluctantly, Families have to be engaged before individuals. In many cases, denial of problems will be far more severe in Hispanic males than in others.

In Carter et al. (1994) the stress here is on alcoholism. They hold that cultural markers are closely related to incidence of both the dependency as well as the willingness to seek help and ...

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