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Why prosopagnosia is an impressive disorder?

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One of the most impressive disorders following brain damage to the ventral occipitotemporal cortex is prosopagnosia. - briefly explain why is this or give a list of various reasons this is an impressive (very interesting) disorder.

Prosopagnosia is when a person has suffered a brain injury and has the inability to recognize faces! Often, even their own. Sometimes they can't discriminate (tell the difference) of unknown faces.

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Solution Summary

This solution provides an introduction to theory of propagnosia, causes of the disorder and finally explaining why is the disorder so interesting (impressive) for study by the scientists. There is ample research on this particular disorder being conducted by the scientists.

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Prosopagnosia, also called face blindness, is an impairment in the recognition of faces. It is often accompanied by other types of recognition impairments (place recognition, car recognition, facial expression of emotion, etc.) though sometimes it appears to be restricted to facial identity. Not surprisingly, prosopagnosia can be socially crippling. Prosopagnosics often have difficulty recognizing family members, close friends, and even themselves.

Prosopagnosia is much more severe than these everyday problems that everyone experiences. Prosopagnosics often have ...

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