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Newton's laws of motion

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Problem 1:

A box of mass M is held against the ceiling by a force P acting at an angle (SYMBOL1) as shown. The block slides along the ceiling to the right at a constant speed. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ceiling is (SYMBOL2).
(a) Draw a labled free body diagram for the box
(b) Determine the force P in terms of M, g, SYMBOL1 and SYMBOL2

Problem 2:

In a James Bond movie, James in a 2000kg car driving at 10 m/s when he approaches 40m wide canyon. Rather than stopping he drives off the cliff, propelling a propeller engine which exerts a constant horizontal force of 5000N while the car is in tha air. The higher cliff is 80m above the valley and the lower cliff is 60 meters above the valley. Neglecting frictional losses, determine the speed at which he lands.

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The solutions explain in detail how to apply the appropriate physical laws and equations to the problems.
The solution contains 5 pages including diagrams and equations.

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Since the block does not fall vertically and moves with constant speed, the net force on the block is zero.

In the horizontal direction the equation is:

And in the vertical direction the equation is:


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