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Physics - Problems on Temparature and Heat

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A copper vat is 44m long at 20 degrees Celcius. How long will it be when filled at boiling water (at one atmosphere of presure) This is needed at the nearest three decimal places.

an aluminum wing on a plane is 35.5m long when the temperature is 20 degrees celcius. At what temperature would the wing be at 0.06m shorter. This has to be at nearest one decimal place. I know that we are trying to find tempature not temperature change.

a bottle containing 8.1kg of mass of water temperature of 24.2 degrees celcius is placed in a refrigerator where the temperature is kept at 0.7 degrees Celcius. How much heat is transfered from the water to cool it to the water of the lower temperature. We need just heat transfer rounded to the nearest one decimal place

a 804kg car is going 27m/s and a driver has to slam on brakes to prevent an accident. Assume that 21.3 kg of iron in the brake pads and rotors absorb the heat that is absorbed by friction in the brakes and rotors. After the car stopped what is the change in temperature in the brake pads and rotors. to the nearest two deciml places.

A lead bullet with a mass of 0.05kg is traveling at 188 m/s strikes a armor plate and comes to a stop. if all the energy is converted to heat snd is absorbed by the bullet what is the temperature change.

One cubic meter of water flowing at niagra falls in new york drops 96.3 meters if all the energy of the water falling is converted to heat how much heat energy would the water have.

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