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Speed of object in revolutions around a circle: puck of mass tied to a string

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A puck of mass 0.270 kg is tied to a string and allowed to revolve in a circle of radius 1.09 m on a frictionless horizontal table. The other end of the string passes through a hole in the center of the table, and a mass of 1.24 kg is tied to it (see figure in attached Word file). The suspended mass remains in equilibrium while the puck on the tabletop revolves. What is the speed of the puck?

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With good explanations and calculations, the problem is solved.

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The suspended mass (m2 = 1.24 kg) shows the tension(T) in the string.
Hence, tension in the string:
T = m2*g = 1.24*9.8 = 12.152 N
This tension will provide the centripetal force to the revolving mass (m1 = 0.27 ...

Solution provided by:
  • BEng, Allahabad University, India
  • MSc , Pune University, India
  • PhD (IP), Pune University, India
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  • " In question 2, you incorrectly add in the $3.00 dividend that was just paid to determine the value of the stock price using the dividend discount model. In question 4 response, it should have also been recognized that dividend discount models are not useful if any of the parameters used in the model are inaccurate. "
  • "feedback: fail to recognize the operating cash flow will not begin until the end of year 3."
  • "Answer was correct"
  • "Great thanks"
  • "Perfect solution..thank you"
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