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Moment and Balance

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1. a = M3g/(M1+M2+M3)
T = (M1+M2)M3g/(M1+M2+M3)
M1 = 100, M2 = 150 and M3 = 1000 Kg
What is a equal to and T equal to?

2. A non-uniform rod of mass 60g and a length 1 meter has a mass of 30g placed on one end and a mass of 40g placed on the other end. The rod together with the loads could be supported at a point 45cm from the end where the 40g mass is placed. Where is the weight of the rod concentrated?

3. A uniform meter stick has a load of 40g attached to the 5cm mark and a load of 80g at the 90cm mark. As such, the system could be supported at the 75cm mark to maintain equilibrium. What is the mass of the meterstick?

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