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Ontological Issues: Historical & Philosophical Repositories

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Although philosophy is divided into discrete inquiries, these areas have synergistic relationships and dependencies. Ontological issues are arguably the most important, serving as the ground of inquiries and repository for historical findings.

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The solution provides a comprehensive discussion/narrative regarding the socio-philosophical concept of ontology and issues shaped/related to it in terms of their relevance as repositories for historical research/findings. The solution provides definitions and concise explanations to help students who might find this particular area of study/topic a little overwhelming.

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Ontology can be thought of as a (primarily conceptual) investigation into what is responsible for phenomenal appearances. Originally synonymous with metaphysics, the modern definition owes much to Christian Wolff, an 18th century German rationalist. Ontological positions tend to have short lives. For example, Immanuel Kant, another German philosopher, dismissed deductive ontology in favour an unknowable noumenal realm standing behind experiences - rather like Plato's Realm of the Forms. God, in one incarnation or another, is the favourite explanation for the real existence of the material plenum underlying experience. Usually construed as an act of creation (in the Judeo-Christian ...

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