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Mechanics: Conservation of energy, falling mass on spring.

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7-58. An 80.0kg man jumps from a height of 2.50m onto a platform mounted on springs. As the springs compress, the platform is pushed down a maximum distance of 0.240m below its initial position, and then it rebounds. The platform and springs have negligible mass. A) What is the man's speed at the instant the platform is depressed 0.120m? b) If the man had just stepped gently onto the platform, what maximum distance would it have been pushed down?

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A man jumps from a height on a plateform mounted on spring. The velocity of man at different positions and the compression is calculated.

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An 80.0kg man jumps from a height of 2.50m onto a platform mounted on springs. As the springs compress, the platform is pushed down a maximum distance of 0.240m below its initial position, and then it rebounds. The platform and springs have negligible mass. A) What is the man's speed at the instant the platform is depressed 0.120m? b) If the man had just stepped gently onto the ...

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