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Plane Reversing Course

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1. In airplane traveling at 529 km/hr needs to reverse its course. The pilot decides to accomplish this by banking the wings at an angle of 41.0 degrees.

a) Find the time needed to reverse course.
b) How heavy would a 56 kg passenger feel during the turn? In other words, what would be the magnitude of the total force exerted on the passenger by the airplane seat?
2. Tarzan plans to cross a gorge by swinging in an arc from a hanging vine. If his arms are capable of exerting a force of 1500 N on the rope, what is the maximum speed he can tolerate at the lowest point of his swing? His mass is 72.3 kg and the vine is 5.75 m long.

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Word document given shows how to find the time needed to reverse a plan and how heavy a passenger would feel during its turn.

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1. In airplane traveling at 529 km/hr needs to reverse its course. The pilot decides to accomplish this by banking the wings at an angle of θ = 41.0o.

a) Find the time needed to reverse ...

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