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Distance vs Time Graph, Velocity, and Acceleration Graphings

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Graph the two slopes from the distance vs. time graph. Be sure to label and scale the axes.

What is the change in velocity from 1 second to 5 seconds?
How much time did it take to change that velocity?
Use factors and tables to find the slope of your graph above.

What is the unit of your slope? What do you think it means?
Could acceleration also be "how fast something gets slower"? What do you think of this question as it applies to the slope you calculated?

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This solution helps with problems regarding classical mechanics.

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The question asks you to graph the two slopes provided on a new graph - so basically to present the change in the slope of the previous graph.
In the new graph, you can keep the x-axis as time, and now the y-axis will be the slope of the previous graph.

The previous graph was a distance vs. time graph. The slope of that graph, representing the change in distance over a unit of time is, by definition, the speed or velocity the object is travelling at. As a result, on your new graph, the y-axis is slope of the distance vs. time graph, which is equal to the speed/velocity.

You're given the two points on this new graph: slope = 0 at t=0 and slope = 500 at t = 5.
On your new, currently empty graph, put down time on the x-axis. Be sure that there is enough room on the x-axis to fit at least 5 seconds.
On the y-axis, you can label this ...

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