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Applications of Trigonometry : Latitude, Longitude and Nautical Miles

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2. A nautical mile depends on latitude. It is defined as length of a minute of arc of the earth's radius. The formula is N(P) = 6066 - 31 cos 2P, where P is the latitude in degrees.
(a) Using the Cybrary and other course resources, find the exact latitude (to 4 decimal places) of where you live, used to live, work, or used to work (include the zip code).
(b) Using the latitude found in part a and the formula N(P), find the length of a nautical mile to the nearest foot at that location.
(c) Next, use the formula N(P) to find the latitude where the nautical mile is 6051 feet.
(d) Name two cities in the Northern Hemisphere and two in the Southern that are close to the latitude found in part c.


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Solution Summary

Applications of Trigonometry, Latitude, Longitude and Nautical Miles are investigated.

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